
Talking to Medical People


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DOCTOR:       Hello Peter.  I am Dr. Casey.  What can I do for you today?

PETER:           I have a rash on my body that I'd like you to look at.

DOCTOR:       Is it everywhere?

PETER:           No, just on my chest and arms.

DOCTOR:       How long have you had it?

PETER:           Three weeks.

DOCTOR:       Does it bother you?

PETER:           Yes, it itches me.

DOCTOR:       Does it itch all the time?

PETER:           Yes, I always feel it.

DOCTOR:       What have you done for it?

PETER:           I've put some lotion on it.

DOCTOR:      OK.  I need to look at the rash.  Ahhhh.  This looks like eczema,
                     which is a skin rash sometimes caused by dryness that we have
                     here in Colorado.  It is fairly common to get this in the winter
                     time when it is dry.  I am going to give you a prescription for a
                     hydrocortisone cream to reduce the itchiness.  Try this for a
                     couple of weeks, and if it doesn't get better, let me know.

                     Is there anything else?

PETER:          No, doctor.  Thank you.

DOCTOR:      Ok.  Good bye.

PETER:         Good bye.

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